Member Puzzle Records
shushan_spr's personal puzzle records without a trophy
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This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which shushan_spr has not yet earned a trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Modern] A228
ABy: Akainamill33 played / 17 solved[Modern] The trouble green #31
Trouble colorsBy: Jonathan Handojo126 played / 18 solved[Classic] Busy Box
breakoutbigcolBy: breakoutbigcol92 played / 65 solved[Modern] To Grandmother's House We Go .…
PGTBy: PGT54 played / 19 solved[Modern] No. 03-02
Remixed: BoxxleBy: Jeffrey44 played / 19 solved[Modern] No. 02-05
Remixed: BoxxleBy: Jeffrey62 played / 34 solved[Modern] No. 02-02
Remixed: BoxxleBy: Jeffrey103 played / 40 solved[Modern] No. 04-05
Remixed: BoxxleBy: Jeffrey80 played / 25 solved[Modern] Ship in a Bottle
PGTBy: PGT74 played / 32 solved[Modern] Coin Flip
PGTBy: PGT66 played / 39 solved[Modern] Blues house
nitemaresBy: nitemares59 played / 37 solved[Modern] Teleport... 2 in 1 step?
OthersBy: Jonathan Handojo146 played / 137 solved[Modern] Modern 3
ShulgothBy: Shulgoth106 played / 69 solved[Modern] Modern 2
ShulgothBy: Shulgoth127 played / 67 solved[Modern] Modern 1
ShulgothBy: Shulgoth136 played / 97 solved[Modern] Modern 5
ShulgothBy: Shulgoth144 played / 40 solved[Classic] JU1
ClassicBy: JUNEVER123 played / 82 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts XX #248
Ionic Catalysts…57 played / 35 solved[Modern] Cubist Mona Lisa
PGTBy: PGT96 played / 43 solved[Classic] Jammin'
PGTBy: PGT99 played / 82 solved[Modern] Blue Streak
PGTBy: PGT91 played / 38 solved[Modern] Blue's Day Off
PGTBy: PGT83 played / 43 solved[Classic] F
BloopingBy: Blooping88 played / 47 solved[Classic] Tunnel Puzzle
lcwBy: lcw85 played / 68 solved[Modern] A59
ABy: Akainamill38 played / 19 solved[Modern] A58
ABy: Akainamill49 played / 27 solved[Modern] optimize 3
optimizeBy: hcthepro46 played / 29 solved[Classic] fill in
quelhrelpBy: quelhrelp39 played / 21 solved[Classic] G
BloopingBy: Blooping62 played / 21 solved[Modern] The Church
Entertain your…By: Jonathan Handojo130 played / 50 solved