Member Puzzle Records
zull's personal puzzle records without a trophy
This is an overview of all personal puzzle records for which zull has not yet earned a trophy, starting with the most recently established record.
[Classic] LvL3
MoRtExYBy: MoRtExY71 played / 62 solved[Classic] level 1
quelhrelpBy: quelhrelp40 played / 26 solved[Classic] 4 Boxes
Lord V BobBy: Lord V Bob116 played / 99 solved[Classic] The Kid Puzzle #1
AleksanderBy: Aleksander114 played / 87 solved[Classic] 999
FoxxumBy: Foxxum147 played / 114 solved[Classic] Scaffolding I
zullBy: zull134 played / 91 solved[Classic] Microban #5
Microban2,765 played / 2,232 solved[Modern] Switch Maze
mathmasterzachBy: mathmasterzach320 played / 112 solved[Classic] An attempt at a classic puzzle
Lord V BobBy: Lord V Bob184 played / 153 solved[Modern] Loops
Space JunkBy: Space Junk251 played / 190 solved[Classic] Suitcase V #114
Suitcase V44 played / 41 solved[Classic] Third Set #1
Third Set63 played / 39 solved[Classic] Third Set #63
Third Set30 played / 26 solved[Classic] Redirection and Softlocks
SokoSansBy: SokoSans146 played / 119 solved[Classic] Lesson #1-4
Lessons6,949 played / 5,602 solved[Classic] Classic #70
ClassicBy: Jorge Gloria472 played / 176 solved[Classic] Ionic Catalysts XVIII #2065
Ionic Catalysts…18 played / 15 solved[Modern] Lesson #2-9
Lessons4,161 played / 2,976 solved[Classic] Lesson #1-5
Lessons7,319 played / 4,344 solved[Classic] Lesson #1-3
Lessons6,785 played / 5,410 solved[Modern] Easy Eyes
KingslayerBy: Kingslayer96 played / 65 solved