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Miceroban iii 2(remixed)
Puzzle Info
- 39cool
- Mon, January 01, 2018
- Played: 117 Solved: 56 Uniquely Solved: 38
- Best Solution: 21 steps Your Best: You're not logged in!
[Like]+2[Dislike]2 likes, 0 dislikes (2 votes)
- I guess this is too easy. And, it is really hard to come up with something remodeled/hard/enjoying. How do you like it?
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Opeth2112 ProI like this 39cool, though as a new player I basically stumbled across the solution. I agree it's difficult to be original with so many puzzles on this site. I appreciate these as training for some of the more advanced puzzles, and the fact that you are concerned with it's reception puts it far above anything auto-generated. Thanks again, happy new year.January 01 2018 at 04:47
- 39cool Pro@Opeth2112: first, I’m sorry I forgot to reply to you. Second, thanks for the feedback. I haven’t made a remix in a while, but if you like it I can continueFebruary 12 2020 at 23:49