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Puzzle Info
Mon, July 25, 2022
Played: 76
Solved: 46
Uniquely Solved: 38
Best Solution: 349 steps
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Top Solutions
Gold 1. 349 steps Silver 2. 350 steps Bronze 3. 351 steps 4. 352 steps 5. 354 steps 6. 356 steps 7. 358 steps 8. 360 steps 9. 362 steps 10. 374 steps
EXP Chart
349 steps Rank 1 +10 EXP350 steps Rank 2 +5 EXP351 steps Rank 3 +3 EXPAny steps First Solve +5 EXP
Latest Solutions
358 steps happymario3223 March 24, 2025354 steps loriadi December 09, 2024349 steps Gat November 01, 2024360 steps Puri2725 May 07, 2024358 steps aunt February 22, 2024352 steps Gat January 06, 2024354 steps PGT November 02, 2023349 steps 39clues November 02, 2023356 steps Mr Esc May 30, 2023352 steps dundara April 12, 2023