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100 steps #01

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Puzzle Info

  1. benjamin2
  2. Sat, April 28, 2012
  3. Played: 193 Solved: 122 Uniquely Solved: 90
  1. Best Solution: 96 steps Your Best: You're not logged in!
  2. Welcome to the 100 steps group. These puzzles should all be completed with 100 steps or less. Try to complete them all in that amount! Also look at the chart below and try to get five stars (or, to complete this group, at least three)!

    ★☆☆☆☆ - 110 steps
    ★★☆☆☆ - 105 steps
    ★★★☆☆ - 100 steps
    ★★★★☆ - 98 steps
    ★★★★★ - 96 steps


Top Solutions

EXP Chart

  • 96 steps
    Rank 1 +10 EXP
  • 98 steps
    Rank 2 +5 EXP
  • 100 steps
    Rank 3 +3 EXP
  • Any steps
    First Solve +5 EXP

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Puzzle Talk

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  • Jonathan Handojo's avatar
    What's in it for us?
    • benjamin2's avatar
      @Jonathan Handojo: Umm... a five star rating? (Check the description)
    • Jonathan Handojo's avatar
      @benjamin2: And then?