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Cuando te aburras xD
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Cuando te aburras xD
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Puzzle Info
Thu, November 21, 2019
Played: 106
Solved: 94
Uniquely Solved: 62
Best Solution: 48 steps
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3 likes, 1 dislike (4 votes)
Top Solutions
Gold 1. 48 steps Silver 2. 49 steps Bronze 3. 50 steps 4. 51 steps 5. 54 steps 6. 55 steps 7. 56 steps 8. 57 steps 9. 58 steps 10. 59 steps
EXP Chart
48 steps Rank 1 +10 EXP49 steps Rank 2 +5 EXP50 steps Rank 3 +3 EXPAny steps First Solve +5 EXP
Latest Solutions
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