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Puzzle Info
- Jeffrey
- Fri, April 18, 2014
- Played: 855 Solved: 363 Uniquely Solved: 200
- Best Solution: 229 steps Your Best: You're not logged in!
[Like]+45[Dislike]50 likes, 5 dislikes (55 votes)
- Enjoy.
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There are puzzles like this elsewhere on the internet, except you are a penguin.May 03 2019 at 19:55
- @Jeffrey: 258 is my limit. I haven't any mind to do better. What's a secret ?May 01 2023 at 06:29
I played a similar puzzle in a puzzle game called "Akeyan enigma". It was a game similar to sokoban. Instead of of boxes slipping on ice they were spheres that rolled always when pushed until crashing with a obstacle.November 27 2015 at 01:35
Jeffrey StaffIf you love Jammit, you'll be head over heels for her sister: http://a href="/play/community/jeff/surprised/88064_jammit-2" class="puzzle-link">Jammit 2May 22 2015 at 16:55
Micah ProThat was pretty cool, Jeff. Simple to grasp the concept but still tricky to complete.May 08 2014 at 04:52