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One Box #9c
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Puzzle Info
- Jonathan Handojo
- Fri, October 23, 2020
- Played: 44 Solved: 10 Uniquely Solved: 8
- Best Solution: 299 steps Your Best: You're not logged in!
[Like]+7[Dislike]7 likes, 0 dislikes (7 votes)
- Third time's the charm? Hopefully. I promise I won't post anymore...
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THE Legendary Puzzle 1000000+ star & 100+ likes & 100+ loves & 10^10^10^10^10^10+ Jems!!!!!January 15 2021 at 22:30
- @STcial Mod plex: same density, Diffculty and Usage and appearance: 10 Big Wave Beach Teal Water The High TideJanuary 15 2021 at 22:39
Jonathan Handojo ProYes! Finally got it right. 300 steps sound about right. I got it in 301, but a bit under it should be fine tooOctober 25 2020 at 05:19
- @Jonathan Handojo:
To not have your steps posted, is there a setting for this? Or
Was your score bested by 10 players?
301 Huh?January 22 at 08:28 - Jonathan Handojo Pro@MarsFrog: No, there's no setting for this. At the time this puzzle was published, Sokoban Online had never had that setting. I couldn't exactly remember when it became a thing, but if you observed puzzles that were built before this, you ought to find some puzzles where the author doesn't have the solution.January 23 at 09:11
- Jonathan Handojo Pro@39cool: It's not an evolution. This was the original intent of the puzzle. I overthought it too hard and missed a few shortcuts. Then when I wanted to repost it, I kept missing or was being too careless. Now at 9c, it finally paid off, lol.October 25 2020 at 05:18
- 39cool Pro@Jonathan Handojo: So basically what happened with icebreaker kindaNovember 04 2020 at 12:23
- Thank you Jonathan for posting this original version! If I had to solve this one first, I would've given up. Almost each part of the puzzle has some tricks in them. At last I realized the important role of the lower left button.October 23 2020 at 21:41