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3u!W 3Izznd
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3u!W 3Izznd
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Puzzle Info
Fri, January 10, 2025
Played: 67
Solved: 49
Uniquely Solved: 33
Best Solution: 132 steps
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3 likes, 0 dislikes (3 votes)
Complacent, Self-Glorifying, & Pompous! I know; but, an Artist can be Vain & enjoy a feeling of contribution.
Look at M i d r i f t x! &
Top Solutions
Gold 1. 132 steps Silver 2. 134 steps Bronze 3. 138 steps 4. 142 steps 5. 144 steps 6. 148 steps 7. 149 steps 8. 150 steps 9. 152 steps 10. 156 steps
EXP Chart
132 steps Rank 1 +10 EXP134 steps Rank 2 +5 EXP138 steps Rank 3 +3 EXPAny steps First Solve +5 EXP
Latest Solutions
196 steps Double2048 February 02, 2025188 steps saruhan eser January 25, 2025176 steps camonano January 23, 2025132 steps steyrwolf January 15, 2025161 steps loriadi January 15, 2025170 steps dangermouse6744 January 14, 2025132 steps Jolly Mayakka January 14, 2025188 steps ferdinande January 13, 2025209 steps malchik January 13, 2025180 steps rebca January 13, 2025