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Cherry Picker

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Puzzle Info

  1. Mike Daas
  2. Sun, January 10, 2021
  3. Played: 114 Solved: 40 Uniquely Solved: 31
  1. Best Solution: 137 steps Your Best: You're not logged in!
  2. Get them down! One of my trickiest puzzles with just three boxes.


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EXP Chart

  • 137 steps
    Rank 1 +10 EXP
  • 139 steps
    Rank 2 +5 EXP
  • 143 steps
    Rank 3 +3 EXP
  • Any steps
    First Solve +5 EXP

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Puzzle Talk

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  • STcial Mod plex's avatar
    • Mike Daas's avatar
      @STcial Mod plex: Thank you :D
  • kjs722's avatar
    kjs722 Pro
    • qdywcaexs's avatar
      @kjs722: (And Dries / 696 #23)
  • 39cool's avatar
    39cool Pro
    All this for a couple of cherries?
  • qdywcaexs's avatar
    Definitely tricky and nice puzzle! It was quite hard for the first time.
    (This level can also be found among Dries de Clercq's ones, so I already knew the solution. This is just a comment from me, because you wrote under another of your puzzles that you haven't solved Dries's levels. I am actually curious how you found this pattern: by trial & error, or with the help of a level generator?)
    • Mike Daas's avatar
      @qdywcaexs: Cursed Dries! Every time xD I used to build my puzzles completely by hand, but these days I use a level generator to give me puzzles I can try to solve. I then look for interesting patterns and lay-outs that I try to mold into a stand-alone puzzle, using the example from the generator as a guide. It's always a little sad to see that someone found the exact same puzzle before me. I really don't steal them D:
    • qdywcaexs's avatar
      @Mike Daas: That's right, and I like your puzzle anyway! I'm sure Dries also used level generation and 'pattern selection' to create level sets like 696, Sokodries, Unfinished and Zone 26.
      I'm interested in the way you create these little puzzles because after solving many medium/hard levels, I wish to create new ones. I've already got some classic levels in YASC by combining known patterns and my ideas by hand. I check their solution with YASS, and modify them until they become interesting.