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Puzzle Info
Thu, February 13, 2020
Played: 66
Solved: 54
Uniquely Solved: 42
Best Solution: 134 steps
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Top Solutions
Gold 1. 134 steps Silver 2. 136 steps Bronze 3. 138 steps 4. 140 steps 5. 142 steps 6. 143 steps 7. 144 steps 8. 148 steps 9. 150 steps 10. 152 steps
EXP Chart
134 steps Rank 1 +10 EXP136 steps Rank 2 +5 EXP138 steps Rank 3 +3 EXPAny steps First Solve +5 EXP
Latest Solutions
134 steps Vi2Sokoban January 24, 2025148 steps Vi2Sokoban January 24, 2025152 steps Vi2Sokoban January 24, 2025134 steps Saba January 19, 2025164 steps loriadi December 16, 2024136 steps Gat November 22, 2024143 steps MarsFrog September 03, 2024144 steps MarsFrog September 03, 2024160 steps PGT August 09, 2024175 steps Puri2725 February 04, 2024