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Attempt to make a hard sokoban puzzle
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2 likes, 3 dislikes (5 votes)
Attempt to make a hard sokoban puzzle
Puzzle Info
Mon, February 15, 2021
Played: 72
Solved: 58
Uniquely Solved: 46
Best Solution: 82 steps
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2 likes, 3 dislikes (5 votes)
i tried my best to make it hard ;-;
Top Solutions
Gold 1. 82 steps Silver 2. 84 steps Bronze 3. 86 steps 4. 87 steps 5. 88 steps 6. 89 steps 7. 90 steps 8. 91 steps 9. 92 steps 10. 94 steps
EXP Chart
82 steps Rank 1 +10 EXP84 steps Rank 2 +5 EXP86 steps Rank 3 +3 EXPAny steps First Solve +5 EXP
Latest Solutions
82 steps Vi2Sokoban January 28, 202582 steps Saba January 01, 202588 steps Gat November 24, 202496 steps PGT November 14, 202498 steps Puri2725 November 06, 202487 steps metroid33 September 13, 2023104 steps zahoransky August 27, 2023108 steps anna August 12, 2023184 steps HausofHolbein February 01, 2023143 steps Puri2725 November 22, 2022